
Mykola Tokariev
Feb 19, 2021


Blockchain = chain of block

Block is some information about transaction (who, whom, how many money).

Chain means that all block related to each other. Next block has an informaition from previous block — hash.

How hash works

Hash it is a string that create some funktion. This function has certain rules. So for example if you get this funktion a word “Fox” you will get the string DFDCD3453 — also called hash sum.

If you or somebody make changes in the word “Fox” — > for example “fox”, hash funktion will get you some else hash sum.

In this way if sooombody try to change some information in the block, hash sum will be wrong and everyone can see it. If this happened a transaction(money transfer) will be not done.



Mykola Tokariev
Mykola Tokariev

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